
May 2022


Marketing Strategies for Accountants

If you’re reading this, you’re one of the following:

  • Someone looking to start online marketing for an accounting business.
  • Someone looking to improve the marketing performance of an existing online strategy.

In either case, congrats! You’ve taken your first step towards a brighter digital future. Let’s look at some of the top strategies you can implement.

Q: How do I grow a client base from nothing?

If you want to grow a business, you need to build a client list. There are a few ways you can do this. Let’s take a look:

  • Understand the potential needs of your clients and offer targeted services.
  • Specialise in one service that’s in high demand.
  • Identify which markets most need your services.
  • Use indirect B2B marketing tactics by offering free advice via a site like LinkedIn.
  • Search for key players within the target business and contact them directly.

Q: How can I use my existing client list to increase my revenue?

Understanding the needs of your customers can help you to develop targeted services. These insights help you to outperform your competitors. It’s important to assess both demand and availability within your chosen market.

Q: How can my accounting firm create an online presence?

Digital marketing for accountants involves using many channels to promote a brand. However, before you start marketing, you need a website which identifies the following:

  • Your company values.
  • Your unique selling points (USPs).
  • Who you are as a firm.

Any website you create needs to strike a delicate balance between corporate and personal. It needs your branding, but also qualifications, accreditations, logos and services.

Creating a website with a corporate feel will help to cultivate trust and confidence from clients. However, you want to appear human at the same time. For the best results, try having a “meet the team” page. At the same time, an authoritative blog is always a winner.

Q: How do I educate clients about the accounting services I can provide?

Educating your clients on your services will involve listing them on your website. SEO services for accountants are vital for generating the best search results. These services should be compelling enough to demonstrate to clients why they need to work with you.

Q: What channels do I need to use to attract clients to my accounting firm?

Search engine optimisation is a vital part of successful digital marketing. You need your site to appear frequently in search results which means using relevant keywords.

You also have access to Pay Per Click advertising (PPC), which can appear on Google. It is a good way to generate interest via paying for each click on the ad.

Final Thoughts

A successful marketing strategy for accounting is a combination of targeted services and search engine optimisation.

You need to convince clients that you are the best choice for their needs. Why should they work with you? What benefits will they get out of it?

If you make sure to target services and match them to each business, you’ll be able to present a specific opportunity to fill a specific need. This has a good chance of success.